To verify that the DNCA is successfully capturing TCP packets, evaluating the data, and forwarding hits to downstream consumers, you must verify that capture is properly configured and enabled in the DNCA Web Console.

  • Console Tab: Verify that capture is enabled and is capturing packets from the network.
    • See "DNCA Web Console - Console Tab" in the Unica Discover Network Capture Application Manual.
  • Summary Tab: Review the following:
    1. Machine Health section identifies each enabled DNCA process and the current data volume and CPU usage.
    2. Peers section indicates the destinations to which the DNCA is delivering hits.
    3. Current® Per Second Stats section indicates the current processing load for individual processes in the DNCA. The Reassd Out column indicates how much data is emerging from theDNCA right now.
    • See "DNCA Web Console - Summary Tab" in the Unica Discover Network Capture Application Manual.
  • Delivery Tab: This tab can be used to troubleshoot delivery issues to the target recipients.
    • Target recipients should include the pipeline on the server on which you have noticed limit or no hit processing.
    • You can use the Ping link to test the connection between the DNCA and the target.
    • Verify that the setting in the Security column matches the expected delivery protocol for the pipeline in question.
    • For issues in slow processing, the Speed test can verify the transfer rate across the network between the DNCA and the target.
    • See "DNCA Web Console - Delivery Tab" in the ® Discover Network Capture Application Manual.
  • Interface Tab: Use this tab to verify all instances of the Unica Discover Network Capture Application and to review the configurations for all network interface cards (NICs) that are listening to web traffic.
    • See "DNCA Web Console - Interface Tab" in the ® Discover Network Capture Application Manual.

For more information on testing your DNCA configuration, see "Initial DNCA Configuration" in the Unica Discover Network Capture Application Manual.