Editing dimension values

You may edit a downloaded file of log values or create one as a text file in the above tab-separated format.

Note: If you downloaded log values from Discover, you may need to remove or replace the content of column 2, which contains number of occurrences. When a dimension list is imported, column 2 can optionally contain the display name value for the log value.
Note: You may find it useful to use a spreadsheet editor like Microsoft Excel, which enables you to sort downloaded log value files that are based on the number of occurrences. You can then selectively choose to upload the Top-N values.
  • If you use Microsoft Excel or other editor to create or edit your dimension values, be sure to save the file as a tab-separated text file.
    Note: If you chose to purge dimension data, you cannot edit the dimension values for the dimension until the Data Collector completed its operations to purge values from each Canister. These operations occur every 5 minutes.