Packet Forwarder Commands

You can run the Packet Forwarder utility with command options.

The Packet Forwarder can be run with options to start an instance, stop an instance, and more. For example, to start the Packet Forwarder, run /user/local/dncauser/bin/pktfwdr -t where -t is the option that tells the Packet Forwarder to start the service.

The following options are available when you run the Packet Forwarder.

Table 1. Packet Forwarder commands
Option Description
-c <configuration file> Overrides the default configuration file and gives you the ability to use of a custom configuration file, where <configuration file> is the name of the configuration file.
-D Delete transmitter SHM.
-d Debug option.
-e Encapsulate packet mode.
-f <filter rule> Override the filter rules that are specified in the configuration file.
-h Version and option list.
-i <NIC interface> Override the NIC settings that are specified in the configuration file.
-I <instances#> Specifies the number of transmitter instances to load, where <instances#> is the number of instances that you want to run.
-k Stop the service and its instances.
-l Reports if the service is running.
-n Debugging option for a stand-alone environment.
-t Start the service.