Configuring the DNCA Interface without Transparent Load Balancing

About this task

To configure the DNCA interface in a non-load balanced environment:


  1. Open the DNCA web console.
  2. Click the Interface tab.
  3. If Enable Transparent Load Balancing is selected, deselect Enable Transparent Load Balancing.
    For more information on the benefits of enabling transparent load balancing, see DNCA Transparent Load Balancing Overview.
  4. Add a DNCA instance by clicking Add Instance.
    You can add additional DNCA instances to capture network traffic. Each DNCA instances requires the use of an additional processor core. You can add up to N-1 instances, where N is the total number of processor cores in your DNCA server. For example, if your system has eight processor cores, you can enable seven DNCA instances.
  5. You can use default port numbers to define the port numbers in the filter rules by clicking Populate Ports.
    The default port numbers are 1024 through 65535. If you want to filter different port numbers for a DNCA instance, you can add a filter rule or edit the instance.
  6. If you want to change the settings for an instance, locate Instance List and click Edit next to the instance to begin making your changes.
    You can also delete and instance by clicking Delete or remove the filter rules for an instance by clicking Clear Filters.
    1. If you are installing the DNCA for the first time, edit the filters for each DNCA instance.
    2. From the Primary Interface drop-down, select the network device on which you want this instance to listen.
      • In most cases, you should not listen to a device whose IP address is listed in the drop-down and is listed with a down status. If you see a down status message for a device, then the operating system for the device is not configured to be active.
      • For a simple configuration, you can leave the other configuration options with their default values.
      • For more information about specifying DNCA instances, see DNCA Web Console - Interface Tab.
    3. Click Update to save your changes.
  7. Click Save Changes to apply your changes to the DNCA.
    If you want to cancel your changes, click Revert Changes.


The DNCA is now configured to capture traffic on the selected NIC.