Loading DNCA with Web Console

To use the web console SSL Keys tab:


  1. Log on to the DNCA web console with a web browser.
  2. Click the SSL Keys tab.
  3. Click Loaded at the top of the page to view the loaded SSL keys.
  4. Enter a descriptive HTTPS key label in the Label field.
  5. Enter the full path name for the PTL file in the Keyfile file name field. For example: /usr/local/dncauser/etc/server1.ptl.
  6. Click Add. The newly added entry for the PTL file is displayed on the updated page.
  7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each PTL file you want to be used by DNCA.
  8. Click Save Changes to save the added PTL files to the configuration file. The capture programs restarts and uses the new PTL files that you added.
  9. If capture fails to start, view capture.log to determine the reason.