Searching for Sessions with ReqCancelled Type

About this task

The event mentioned above is now defined to record the value client or server if a request is canceled by the visitor or by the web server. Through the Portal, you can search for occurrences of this event.

Note: After the event is saved to the server, it is active and being processed on each hit. It can take some time before sessions with canceled requests are captured and processed by Discover.

To search for the ReqCancelled Type event, do the following steps:


  1. In the Portal, select Search > Completed Sessions.
  2. To search for the occurrence of a ReqCancelled hit in a session:
    1. Clear any of the default search terms.
    2. Click the Events search term.
    3. Click <select an event.
    4. In the Event Selector, clear the View by Labels check box.
    5. In the Search box, enter Req Canceled.
    6. Select Req Canceled Type.
    7. Click Select.
    8. Your search for the existence of the event in a session is displayed.
  3. To search for a specific type of ReqCancelled hit in a session:
    1. Clear any of the default search terms.
    2. Click the Event Values search term.
    3. Click <select an event>.
    4. In the Event Selector, clear the View by Labels check box.
    5. In the Search box, enter Req Canceled.
    6. Select Req Canceled Type.
    7. Click Select.
    8. In the search term, verify that the search operator is set to Includes.
    9. In the textbox enter one of the following values:
      • server - search for server-initiated ReqCancelled hits
      • client - search for client-initiated ReqCancelled hits
    10. Your search for a specific type of ReqCancelled hit in a session is displayed.
  4. To run either search, click Search.
  5. From the displayed list of sessions, you can select one to review for more information. If sessions are returned, you can locate the hit where the ReqCancelled occurred by using the following general methods:
    • Event Tester: From the session list, you can send the session to Event Tester. In the Event Tester, select the Req Canceled Type event to display. In the test results, you can locate the hit where the event occurred.
    • QuickView: From the session list, you can open QuickView, which displays event information by hit. From the Order By drop-down, select Event Name. Locate the hit where the Req Canceled Type event occurred.