Filter rules for a port range

A port range filter rule can be used to direct required traffic across a specific set of ports to a DNCA instance. The following methods for specifying port range filters are supported:

Note: Valid port numbers range from 1024 to 65,535.
Note: Do not mix filter rules from the two traffic segmentation methods. You can only use the specified filter rules for the chosen method.
  • Automatic: The preferred method for specifying port range filters is to populate the ports automatically. It creates the correct port range filter rule for each instance for you. Populating ports assumes that all required instances are already created. See Populating Ports.
  • Manual: If you are manually entering port ranges (not auto-populated), only one IP address entry is allowed for VIP (Virtual IP) filtering. Any additional IP addresses added to the port ranges are ignored.
    • The workaround is to use a subnet mask with a single IP address.
    • The following steps enable manual specification of a port range filter rule for the specified instance.
    • If you must edit existing rules, click Edit Filters in the Interface tab.

Port range filter rules can filter on a required VIP address, which allows filtering out other unwanted traffic with the VIP address traffic.

  • If the capture traffic only contains required traffic, then an IP address is not needed here.