Capture Network Interfaces

Note: If you are using multiple instances, all instances must be set within the primary instance listing. Else, the DNCA fails to start.

The options are as follows:

Primary Interface
This drop-down designates a particular hardware network interface as the primary interface for capture. The drop-down menu is a dynamically built list of the important interfaces.
Secondary Interface
This drop-down designates a particular hardware network interface as the secondary interface for capture. The drop-down menu is a dynamically built list of the important interfaces.
Listen Interfaces
Selects the interfaces on which the selected instance listens:
  • Both Interfaces - Both interfaces listen to traffic.
  • Primary Interface only - Only the primary interface listens to traffic.
  • Inherited from Primary - Listen interfaces are inherited from the primary instance.
Listen Direction
Selects the directions in which the selected interfaces listen to traffic:
  • Bidirectional - Selected interfaces listen for both incoming and outgoing packets.
  • Unidirectional - The primary interface listens for incoming packets, and the secondary interface listens for outgoing packets.
  • Inherited from Primary - Listen directions are inherited from the primary instance.