Session attribute list

In the Session Attribute list, you can review all of the available session attributes.

  • To step through the list of items, press the Up or Down arrows on your keyboard.
  • To scroll through the list, press the Page Up or Page Down keys on your keyboard.
  • To select an item, press ENTER or double-click it.
  • On the left side of the screen, you can filter the displayed session attributes. See Session attributes panel.
  • To review details of a session attribute, move the mouse over it. The tooltip is displayed.
  • To sort the list by a column, click the column header. To sort the list in the reverse order, click the column header again.
  • To select multiple items in the list, press SHIFT or CTRL and select the items.
  • To open the context menu for session attributes, right-click a session attribute in the session attribute list. See Session attribute list context menu.
  • Items are highlighted in the list that is based upon the current edit state of the item. See Manage Events - Events tab.
The user-friendly name of the session attribute
JavaScript Name
The internal name of the session attribute
Populated By
The event that populates the session attribute
For session attributes that were created by Discover users, the Index column indicates the index number (0-63) corresponding to the session attribute. This index number appears in various locations in the Portal where the custom session attribute is referenced.
  • This index number is assigned by the Discover Event Manager and cannot be modified.
When a check mark appears in this column, the custom session attribute was configured to be tracked in the Unica Discover database. Up to 32 custom session attributes can be configured to be tracked in the Unica Discover database.
  • For more information about configuring session attributes, see Add or edit a session attribute.
  • For more information about Unica Discover session attribute search, see "Configuring Session Attribute Search" in the Unica Discover Administration Manual.
When a check mark appears in this column, the session attribute was configured to be searchable in the Unica Discover database. Up to five custom session attributes can be configured to be searchable in the Unica Discover database.
  • For more information about configuring session attributes, see Add or edit a session attribute.
  • For more information about Unica Discover session attribute search, see "Configuring Session Attribute Search" in the Unica Discover Administration Manual.
Timestamp of when the session attribute was last modified

Session attribute list context menu

When you right-click a session attribute in the Session Attribute List, the following commands are available:

Edit Session Attribute...
Edit the selected session attribute. See Add or edit a session attribute.
Show Dependent Items
Displays a list of items that depend on this session attribute evaluating to true. See Discover Event Manager.
Session Attribute History
Review the revision history for the selected session attribute. See Session attribute history.
Delete a session attribute. See Deleting a session attribute.
Revert the changes to the session attribute that were not committed to the version stored on the server. See Discover Event Manager.
Export Item
Mark item for inclusion in the next export. Items can be exported through the Export tab in the Event Manager. See Manage Events - Import-Export Tabs.