Condition types for distance events

For distance events, use the following operands for evaluation of a condition:

  • Exists in Session - Tests whether the condition exists (Is true) or does not (Is false). Within the context of a distance event, this operator evaluates whether the condition occurred or did not occur within the specified range of hits or time
  • Dimension Value - Dimension values can be used in the conditions for distance events.
  • Event Value - Event values can be used in the conditions for distance events.

When a value is used, the following operators are available, depending on the type of the operand:

  • Text:
    • Equal
    • Does not equal
    • Includes
    • Does not include
    • Is Empty
    • Is not empty
  • Numeric:
    • Equal
    • Does not equal
    • Less than
    • Less than or equal
    • Greater than
    • Greater than or equal