Configuring Event bus

You can edit details of the Event bus configuration by using the Pipeline Editor.


  1. In Manage Services, open the Canister node to display the configurations.
  2. Click Event bus configuration.
  3. In the Config Actions pane, click View/Edit.
  4. The Event Bus configuration is displayed in the Pipeline Editor.
  5. In the left pane, select the topmost node: Event Bus configuration. Then, click Edit.
  6. The Event Bus configuration is displayed:
    Application Name
    For the Event Bus, set this value to DiscoverEventBus.
    VM Free Disable Threshold
    The threshold percentage of free virtual memory below which the pipeline automatically shuts down. To disable this check, set this value to 0.
    VM Free Enable Threshold
    After a shutdown, the pipeline restarts when the percentage of free virtual memory exceeds this value. This value should be greater than the value set for VM Free Disable Threshold, even if that value is set to 0.
    Restart Interval
    The interval in seconds at which the pipeline checks to see if a restart is necessary.
    Restart Reset Interval
    The period in seconds over which the pipeline can attempt restarts.