
The condition defines the event, hit attribute, or session attribute that is searched in the session data. This data element is evaluated against criteria you define to yield a true or false value.

The conditions are evaluated at the Trigger time and are based upon the context. There are two contexts: one for the hit triggers and one at session end.

  • Hit conditions include any text patterns in the current hit, the existence or value of any event that occur in the session, or any session attributes defined.
  • Event conditions exclude the ability to evaluate hit attributes that occur in any hit but include support for the other conditions.

Evaluation criteria depend on the type of data.

  • Conditions that evaluate numeric data have comparison and equivalency operators, null tests, and inclusion/exclusion tests. You can test first, last, count, and found patterns of the numeric data.
  • Conditions that evaluate text data have equivalency operators, null tests, and inclusion/exclusion tests.

Conditions that evaluate as true cause the action that is specified in the event to be taken. See Action.

Conditions are defined in the Event Wizard of the Discover Event Manager. See "Manage Events - Events Tab" in the Unica Discover Event Manager Manual.