Building block events

A "building block" event is available in the Short Term Canister while the session is being captured. The event expires when the session is closed and moved to the Long Term Canister. Building block events cannot be used in search or reporting.

See "Manage Events - Events Tab" in the Unica Discover Event Manager Manual.

The following table describes the building block events that are defined. These events are unlikely to need modification.

Table 1. Building Block Events
Event Name Description Default Dimensions
Step - ScreenView (BB) (Building Block) Latest ScreenView from ScreenView LOAD message None
Step - ScreenView URL (BB) (Building Block) Latest URL from ScreenView LOAD message None
Step - Usability Attention Map Viewport Height Normalized Viewport height (min of Viewport or Page height)
Note: This event can be reviewed and modified in JavaScript only.
Step - Usability Focal Slice Y (BB) (Building Block) Focal Slice BB event for Usability data
Note: This event can be reviewed and modified in JavaScript only.
Step - Usability Target ID + Type (BB) (Building Block) Combines Target ID and ID Type into a single string
Note: This event can be reviewed and modified in JavaScript only.