General tab

Using the General tab, you can configure several elements of a task, including the name, description, scheduling information, daily extraction option, and post command.

  • Name - user-friendly name for the task, which appears in the Configured Tasks and Scheduled Tasks windows
    • Invalid characters are removed from the Name when the task is saved.
  • Description - a user-friendly description for the task
  • Scheduling - select when the task is to run: Now or Once, Hourly, or Daily at the scheduled time. See Scheduling.
  • Daily Extract Option - If you scheduled a Daily extract task, you can choose to extract from the current day, the previous day, or some day in the past, as specified by the number of days that are entered in the textbox. Any selections made here auto-populate the Extraction Period settings. See Daily extractions.
  • Extraction Period - select the time period from which to extract Discover session data. These fields are constrained based on the Scheduling selection.
    • You can apply additional filters to the data through the Data Filters tab.
    • Some session data can be excluded as part of the data extract through the Data Set tab.
  • Post Command - runs the specified batch command file after the task completed. The default directory for the command is <Discover_install_directory>\DataExtractor.
    Note: Post commands run as separate tasks after the current task. These tasks can be tracked as scheduled tasks. See Data Export scheduling tasks.
    • Run post command on failed task - allows the batch command file to run on successful or failed tasks.
  • Active - Select the Active check box to enable the task run according to schedule.