Setting Insert Missing or Cached Pages to True

You must configure Replay Server for the Config Group Insert Missing or Cached Pages.

About this task

To set the Insert Missing or Cached Pages Config Group to True, in All-in-one deployment or the Distributed deployment, complete the following steps:


  1. For the All-in-one deployment, complete the following steps:
    1. From the portal, select Discover > Manage Services.
      The Discover Services Management page appears.
    2. In the Worldview tab, expand the main server.
    3. Expand the Replay Server.
    4. Select Replay server configuration.
    5. Click View/Edit.
      The Replay Server Configuration dialog opens.
    6. Select Insert Missing or Cached Pages.
      The Edit Config Item dialog appears.
    7. From the dropdown, select True and click Apply.
      The Replay Server Configuration dialog appears.
    8. Click Save.
  2. For the Distributed deployment, complete the following steps:
    1. From the portal, select Discover > Manage Services.
      The Discover Services Management page appears.
    2. In the Worldview tab, expand the server name containing the replay server.
    3. Expand the Replay Server.
    4. Select Replay server configuration.
    5. Click View/Edit.
      The Replay Server Configuration dialog opens.
    6. Select Insert Missing or Cached Pages.
      The Edit Config Item dialog appears.
    7. From the dropdown, select True and click Apply.
      The Replay Server Configuration dialog appears.
    8. Click Save.