Search Profile

For groups that are granted access to the Session Search page, the Search Profile controls both the search options and search templates to which they have access. If a user has no available search options, the Options section is hidden entirely on the Session Search page.

  • For more information on configuring search templates, see "Configuring Search Templates" in the Unica Discover Administration Manual.
Date Span Selector
When selected, users in this group can access the Date Span selector, which enables the selection of specific date ranges.
Servers Selector
When selected, users in this group can access the Servers selector, which enables the selection of specific servers.
Template Selector
When selected, users in this group can access the Template selector drop-down, which enables the selection of non-default search templates.
Session List Template
When selected, users in this group can access the Session List Template selector, which enables the selection of non-default session list templates to display search results.
Search Scope
When selected, users in this group can access the Search Scope selector, which enables the selection of the page-level and session-level scoping options.
Search Results Sort
When enabled, users in this group can choose to sort the search query to return results prioritized by a field value selected in the Sort Results By drop-down in Search Options. .
Search Timeout
When selected, the default search timeout limit is imposed on searches executed by this group.
  • Searches that require more time than this limit are stopped before completion. This setting can be configured in Manage Services. See "Configuring the Search Server" in the Unica Discover Configuration Manual.
    Note: Avoid deselecting this option. Allowing unlimited searches can cause Search Server to crash.
Search Autostop Limit
When selected, the default autostop limit is imposed on searches executed by this group.
Saved Searches
When selected, users in this group can open and execute searches that have been saved.