
The Connections table shows active connections to the Transport Service, their throughput, the protocol in use, and the name of the machine from which the connection originates.

  • All current connections are permanently displayed and cannot be added, removed or selected.
  • The slot# column contains the memory address in Discover's shared memory occupied by the connection.

Below the Connections table are statistics that reflect the overall state of all connections on the list.

  • Active: The number of active connections at any given time.
  • Max: The maximum number of connections allowed.
  • Total: The total number of connections seen since the application was launched.

Next to the Connection Stats, the Bytes area shows the total throughput of all connections:

  • Total: The total number of bytes that have traveled through all connections.
  • Per Sec: The number of bytes per second that are traveling through all connections.

Below the connections stats box, there is a set of stats regarding page views:

  • Total: The total number of pages seen since the launch of the utility.
  • Per Sec: The number of pages seen in the last second.
  • Avg. Size: The throughput over the last second divided by the number of pages seen in the last second.