Data Files options

HCL Discover Data Export enables you to export the configured session data to a series of data files, which can be inserted into database tables of your own configuration.

Note: After HCL Discover Data Export exports the data files to the HCL Discover Data Export server, you must move them to their final destination, which requires more configuration and external script execution. See Data Export Installation/Upgrade.

For schema information about these data files, see Data Export Schema.

  • Active - Select the Active check box to enable the task to be run according to schedule.
  • Exported Data Directory - Enter the full path to the directory on the HCL Discover Data Export server where the exported data files are to be stored. Local and network paths are accepted.
  • Data File Roll Size - The maximum size of each data file in megabytes (MB). If this file size is exceeded, the file is closed, and a new log file is opened.
  • Number of Concurrent Exports - The maximum number of data files that can be concurrently written.
  • OnClose Command - Use this field to call a batch file, passing the data file that was closed as an argument. See OnClose commands.
  • Timestamps - Define timestamps in output to be set to GMT time or the local time of the HCL Discover Data Export server.
  • Include Headers - Select this option to include a header line in each data file.

You may select the fields that you want to include in the export.

  • To select all, click Set All at the top of the panel. To clear all fields, click Clear All.
  • You may also select and clear all fields in individual sections.

For an example data files configuration, see Data file integration example.

OnClose commands

Using the OnClose text box, you can specify a batch file command that is applied to every data file after it was written and closed. The closed file is passed to the batch file as an argument.

For example, Hadoop functions well with files compressed using the LZO algorithm. Below is a batch file that compresses the closed data file using LZO.

echo off
echo file: %1

:: call lzop to compress file
lzop %1
if errorlevel 0 (
  delete %1
  goto all_is_good

exit /b 1

exit /b 0

Data file schema information

HCL Discover Data Export exports session data into a set of denormalized flat data files, which can be searched easily and rapidly bulk-loaded into the destination database.