Packet Forwarder Configuration

The HCL Discover Packet Forwarder can be configured through the configuration files that are stored in the installation directory.

The typical scenario of a Cloud website would include an elastic load balancer (ELB) to distribute web traffic to a dynamically provisioned web server tier that consists of multiple web-server instances. Each web-server instance would have a Packet Forwarder installed to forward the captured web traffic to a centralized DNCA. The DNCA runs on a virtual machine instance and processes the web traffic. After the web-server instance is properly configured, an Amazon machine instance (AMI) is created for the instance. The AMI is then dynamically provisioned to provide as many instances as needed.

Note: At the time of this publication, the maximum number of web-server instances needs to be known. The number of web-server instances is used in the configuration of the packet forwarder to determine the maximum number of active TCP connections that can connect to the destination DNCA socket receiver.