Configure DNCA for Capture of Rich Internet Applications

If your deployed rich internet application (RIA) is submitting data for capture, you must verify that the DNCA is configured to capture all submitted data types.

Note: If the DNCA is not configured to capture POST and Mimetypes that are submitted by your rich internet application (RIA), those hits are not captured and data in them is lost to Discover. Verify that you have a list of all required types that must be captured by DNCA for RIA replay and reporting. It includes includes any custom types that are deployed.

Capturing JavaScripts

By default, the DNCA excludes the capture of JavaScript files. Capture of static JavaScript by the DNCA is rarely required for accurate replay of rich internet applications. In most situations, these files can be stored in a static database or re-referenced through replay rules.

Note: If your web application generates dynamic JavaScript, the DNCA must be manually configured to capture these files.

Capturing XML

By default, the DNCA captures the following content types without any additional configuration.

  • application/xml
  • text/xml

Contents of these types submitted to the web server are inserted into the request buffer in the [xml1] section for processing by the Discover system.

Typical RIA capture types

The following capture types must be added to DNCA capture types, depending on the monitored application. These types can be specified in the XML post types list.

  • See To configure.
  • application/json
  • application/x-json
  • text/json
  • text/x-json

In the following sections, you can review example sets of types for various kinds of rich internet applications.

Example RIA: Ajax

Default captured types:

  • application/xml
  • text/xml
  • application/json
  • text/json

The following custom types can be present and must be configured:

  • ajax/xml
  • Dynamically generated JavaScripts

To configure

If you are submitting other XML post types that Discover must capture, more configuration is required, depending on the version of your HCL Discover Network Capture Application:

  • You must add the XML post type to the whitelist in the Pipeline tab of the DNCA Web Console. See Pipeline Settings.