HCL Discover capabilities

HCL Discover offers a host of always improving exciting and dynamic capabilities which will enable you to get quantitative data and qualitative analysis helping you to understand your customer's online experience.


Powerful full text and event-based search, allowing you to quickly find the user or session or group of sessions that you are looking for. Customise search and result templates for specific departments or groups of users to simplify their search experience.


Fully understand your user’s journey through session replay. Simple and clear replay of sessions enables you to see what the user experienced in your web application, and then utilise those sessions for testing and further analysis.


The reporting suite allows you to gain business impact insights based on real user experience. Visualise customer interactions via overlays in replay through form analytics, link analytics, heat maps and attention maps. Utilise anomaly detection to automatically report on when something has deviated from the norm.

Struggle Identification

Through using the search, replay and reporting you are able to identify struggle and pain points, the impact it has had on the user’s experience and impact on revenue. Struggle can be identified through manual replay of sessions, identifying repeated processes or pages. Application errors and form validation errors, and any combination. Build a customer experience score to help quickly identify sessions which need to be followed up on and use it as a Business KPI to monitor with new site launches, marketing campaigns.


See the content that your users are interacting with through click and attention heatmaps. View click and hover analytics for page elements. Form field analytics gives you drop off and struggle data to help identify improvements in your forms. Accessibility analytics gives you the power to see where your site may not be adhering to standards.

Data Export

Real-time data export allows for live session updates, making your customer’s experience as personalized as possible. Batch export enables bulk data to be processed for email campaigns or import into CRM/CDP systems. Full control over what data is exported, where, when and how.

Session Archiving

Archive chosen sessions for long term storage for digital compliance. Fully customisable criteria to identify those sessions for storage, with all associated data and session replay. However long you require to store the sessions for, our scalable solution will be able to comfortably meet your needs.