1. Stop Services

Stop all Discover Services on the servers being upgraded.

About this task

Note: If the Discover Data Collector and Reporting services are on a different machine than the Processing Servers, allow the Data Collector to complete its run. Then, stop all Discover services on the Report Server machine first, if you have not done so already. After you stop the services, the Data Collector does not try to harvest any data from a Processing Server while being upgraded.


  1. Log in to the server as an administrator.
  2. Stop all Discover Services: Start > Programs > HCL Discover > Stop All Services or Start > Programs > HCL Discover > Stop Discover Services
  3. Wait until all services stop.
  4. Open the Windows Services applet and manually stop all the services that have not stopped.
  5. Close the Windows Services Control Panel.
  6. If it is open, close the Windows Event Viewer Control Panel.
  7. When these services are stopped, you may continue.