Migration to 64-bit Canister Service and Transport Service

To migrate to 64-bit Canister service and Transport Service in an All-in-One setup, complete the following steps:


  1. Stop all Discover services and verify that all services are stopped.
  2. Use the following command to unregister the 32-bit Discover Canister Manager Service:
    <HCL Discover Install directory>\DCCanMgr.exe -remove
  3. Use the following command to register the 64-bit Discover Canister Manager Service:
    <HCL Discover Install directory>\x64\DCCanMgr.exe -install
  4. Use the following command to rebuild Canister database preserving existing data with /M to invoke x64\DCCanisterMake.exe start service "Discover Canister Server".
    <HCL Discover Install directory>\CanRebuild.exe /B /! /f /P /M
  5. Use the following command to unregister 32-bit Discover Transport service:
    <HCL Discover Install directory>\DiscoverCaptureSocket.exe -remove
  6. Use the following command to register 64-bit Discover Transport service:
    <HCL Discover Install directory>\x64\DiscoverCaptureSocket.exe -install
  7. Start all Discover services.