Importing Reports and Reinstalling Database and Importing Dashboards

Importing Reports

To import additional reports, complete the following steps:


  1. Copy the additional reports (DCT files) to the location \Reporting\DatabaseSchema\Reports.
  2. Access DiscoverDatabaseManager and click Connect.
    The Discover Database Manager dialog opens.
  3. Select Mode > Data Management > Import Reports.
  4. Click OK.
    The import of reports will be successful.
  5. Upon successful import, the imported reports will be available in the \Reporting\DatabaseSchema\Reports\Imported location.
  6. If a report with the same name exists in the target folder, the Portal successfully imports the report and displays it in the Portal UI, but the report file will be available in the \Reporting\DatabaseSchema\Reports\ location. To avoid this issue, if you plan to update the dashboard by importing the updated report files, complete the following steps:
    1. Delete the old report from the \Reporting\DatabaseSchema\Reports\Imported location.
    2. Delete the old dashboard using Portal UI.
    3. Now copy the updated report file to the \Reporting\DatabaseSchema\Reports location and run the utility from DiscoverDatabaseManager mentioned in Step 3.

Reinstalling Database and Importing Dashboards

When uninstalling the database, the system removes the dashboard entries from the database, which makes the Overview dashboard unavailable after you uninstall the database. The Overview dashboard (DASHBOARD_1001_1600141579.dct) file is required during database reinstallation in the <installdir>\Reporting\DatabaseSchema\Reports location.

About this task

Complete the following steps to reinstall the database and import all attached dashboards:


  1. From the base version 12.1.0, upgrade it to 12.1.11.
  2. Ensure that all services are down.
  3. Open the Database Manager tool.
  4. Select all the databases and uninstall.
  5. Move the Overview dashboard DCT file (DASHBOARD_1001_1600141579.dct) to <installdir>\Reporting\DatabaseSchema\Reports location from <installdir>\Reporting\DatabaseSchema\Reports\Imported location.
  6. Install all databases and start all services.
  7. Log in using admin user privileges.
  8. Navigate to Dashboard > Manage Dashboard.
  9. Select Report Template > Import template.
  10. Browse and select the Dashboard of your choice.