Enabling Image Capture for TLI

In Discover, a TLI server can be deployed to capture static content, including images, JavaScripts, and Style sheets, to permanent archives. During replay, requests for this static content reference the static archives, which prevents unnecessary and sometimes forbidden requests to the origin server. Through a TLI server, you can retain a copy of the static content of each session, as it was experienced by the original visitor, for replay and auditing purposes.

  • For more information about TLI servers, see "Managing Static Archives" in the Unica Discover Administration Manual.

When this option is enabled, the DNCA captures image hits with the following content type associated with them:

  • Other static content, such as Style sheets and JavaScripts, are in text formats that are automatically captured by the Unica Discover Network Capture Application.
    • When a TLI server is deployed, these objects are forwarded from the DNCA to the Windows pipeline. In Windows pipeline, TLI session agent forwards them to the TLI server for appropriate storage. See "TLI Session Agent" in the Unica Discover Configuration Manual.
  • If Enable TLI and Delete Images on DNCA Side options are both enabled, then Enable TLI overrides and determines the capture behavior of the DNCA. See Delete Images on DNCA Side.
  • To ensure the capture of image content throughout your Discover environment, this setting must be consistently applied through the Pipeline tabs across all DNCA instances.

When the hit is received by the Windows server, it examines the TLIHit value and, since it is set to True, forwards the hit to the TLI server for storage in the appropriate archive.

  • Timestamp information is retained with the hit. It enables the TLI server to later serve the version of the image that was experienced by a visitor and recorded to match the visitor's session.
  • Hits sent to the TLI server are not stored in the Canister. The session data is altered to reference the TLI server-based content, from which a single stored entity can be queried by multiple sessions. This method provides a significant storage cost savings.

This feature must be reviewed with the include and exclude file extensions list. If the feature is enabled AND:

  • If the file extension is on the Included File Extensions list, then the DNCA treats the hit as a standard capture type accepted by the DNCA. The application captures the request and response and marks the image object with the following values for the TLI server:
  • If the file extension is not on the Included File Extensions list, then the DNCA captures the image object only. DNCA marks it with the following properties for the TLI server:
  • If the file extension is on the Excluded File Extensions list, then the DNCA captures the image object only and marks it as mentioned in previous section..
    Note: When this feature is enabled, image objects are always captured, regardless of whether the object is included or excluded on the file extensions list.