Using Archive Expiration

In version 12.1.9, Unica Discover introduced a new tab named Archive Expiration. The archived session data was consuming a lot of space and if went unchecked for a significant time caused low space issues in the server or the allocated space. Archive Expiration ensures that you can remove unwanted or older archives. It also allows you to set shorter retention time for archived data.

About this task

Note: Archive Expiration tab lists the DAT files only if you have executed Session Archiving tasks. For more information, see Archiving session data.


  1. From the Unica Discover Portal, select Data Export > Session Archiving.
    The Session Archiving page appears.
  2. Select the Archive Expiration tab.
    The tab lists the session archive DAT files created in all servers.
  3. You can update the expiration date of:
    1. Individual Servers
      1. Select the required server from the <All Servers> dropdown box.
      2. Click Update Expiration.

        The Update Archive Expiration dialog appears.

      3. For the Number of days field, type a number greater than zero.
      4. Click Update Expiration Dates.
    2. Individual DAT files
      1. Select the required server from the <All Servers> dropdown box.
      2. Select the required DAT file from the list.
      3. Click Update Expiration.

        The Update Archive Expiration dialog appears.

      4. For the Number of days field, type a number greater than zero.
      5. Click Update Expiration Dates.

What to do next

Schedule a selective archiving task by following the procedureArchiving selective session data and in Step 19:
  1. Select Trim Archive.
  2. Check the Active checkbox.
  3. Select the server cotaining the specific DAT file or all DAT files.