Restoring canister safety limits

About this task

If the Canister Safety Limits event is not visible in the Events tab of the Events Manager, complete the following steps to restore it.

Here is the default definition that must be applied through Advanced Mode:

// Canister Safety Limits [BB]
  //Default: 2048 Hits
  if ($S.NumberOfHits > 2048)

  //Default: 5242880 Bytes (5MB)
  if (($S.TotalREQBytes + $S.TotalRSPBytes) > 5242880)

  //Default: 3600 Seconds (1 hour)
  if ($S.TotalTime> 3600)


  1. From the drop-down at the top of the Events tab, select All Events.
  2. Select the Show Inactive check box to show events that may be inactive.
  3. Enter the value Canister Safety in event filter in the left bar of the Events tab.
  4. If Canister Safety Limits [BB] is visible:
    1. Right-click the event.
    2. Select Make Active if it is listed.
    3. If Make Inactive is in the context menu, the event is present and active. It was simply hidden from view by display settings. You may skip the rest of these steps.
  5. If Canister Safety Limits [BB] is not visible in the filtered list:
    1. Contact your Discover administrator or other members of the Discover team to see if the event was not renamed.
    2. You can mouse over event names to reveal their tooltips. In the tooltip for this event, the internal contains E_SAFETY_LIMITS.
  6. If you determined that the event was deleted, complete the following steps, which enable you to re-create the event through Advanced Mode in the Event Manager using the JavaScript definition above.
    1. Copy to the clipboard the JavaScript definition for this event.
      Note: Do not copy the function line. Copy all lines below the function line and use them to paste into the new event, which will have a function line provided for you.
    2. In the Events tab, click New Event.
    3. Enter the following properties:
      1. Name: Canister Safety Limits [BB] (New)
      2. Description: Enter a meaningful description. Be sure to note that this is the re-created version.
      3. Set Evaluate on to After Every Hit.
      4. Select the Active check box.
      5. Clear the Display in Portal and Display in Session List check box.
      6. In the Value step, clear the Searchable & Reportable and Flag Every Occurrence in Replay check box.
      7. In the edit window, delete any text that is displayed there.
      8. Paste the version of the event that you copied from above.
        Note: Remember to leave the function line that is listed in the window unchanged.
        • To locate your customer namespace value, open an event that you created and switch to Advanced Mode. The namespace value should appear in a similar location in that event.
    4. You may now edit the JavaScript to change the safety limit values. See Example - changing the Canister safety limits.