Report group templates

From the Template drop-down, you may select one of the following report group templates. A report group template is a preconfigured set of dimensions that can be added to a report group.

  • The Template drop-down is visible only if you licensed a Discover product or module that enables extra report group templates.
    Note: Use of the Unica Discover Usability report group templates requires Unica Discover Usability, a separately licensable product for the Unica Discover platform. You cannot use these report group templates to create report groups for use with non-Unica Discover Usability events.

    For some types of events, a predefined set of dimensions must be added in order for the event to function. For example, Unica Discover Usability-related events require specific sets of dimension in order to work.

    Note: Unica Discover Usability is a separately licensable product for the Unica Discover platform.
Table 1. Report group templates
Template Type Description Maximum Number of Dimensions
Standard Standard Unica Discover report group template. This template is empty of dimensions. 4
Usability - Click This template is used for events tracking heat map and link analytics-related activities for Unica Discover Usability. 8
Usability - Attention Map This template is used for events tracking attention map-related activities for Unica Discover Usability. 8
Usability - Form Analytics This template is used for events tracking form analytics-related activities for Unica Discover Usability. 8

For more information about report group templates, see "Eventing for Usability" in the Unica Discover Event Manager Manual.