Authenticating the Orchestration CLI using API Keys

You can use API Keys to authenticate the Orchestration CLI

About this task

The purpose of the following scenario is to show how to create and use an API Key to successfully authenticate the Orchestration CLI.

The scope of the scenario is to list every folder defined in an engine.


  1. Login into the Dynamic Workload Console and navigate to Manage API Keys.
  2. In Manage API Keys, select an engine from the Engine name list and click Apply.
  3. Create an API Key:
    1. Click Add new.
    2. Select either Personal or Service from the Type list.
    3. In Name, type API_Key_Name.
    4. If you set the API Key type to Service, select the relevant groups from the Group Name list.
    5. Click Submit.
    6. The API Key token is displayed in the dialogue box. Save it and store it in a secure place.
  4. Authenticate the Orchestration CLI with the API Key token:
    1. Open the Orchestration CLI configuration file:
      On Windows
      On Linux
    2. Add or replace the JWT property, entering the API Key token you generated in Step 3 as the property value.
    3. Save the file. The Orchestration CLI is now authenticated.
  5. Access the list of available folders using Orchestration CLI.
    1. Enter the command: ocli model list folder=@.


You have accessed an engine from a Orchestration CLI authenticated with an API Key.