Troubleshooting the HCL UnO agent

daemon-install access denied
When using the script on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution, the command might fail returning the error: Failed to enable unit: Access denied.
To solve the issue, run the following commands:
  • sudo setenforce 0
  • sudo systemctl daemon-reload
After running both commands, try using the again.
Using Command Prompt instead of Powershell
You can run all the scripts to configure and manage the HCL UnO agent from Command Prompt using the following syntax:
powershell.exe -File scriptname.ps1
Or alternatively:
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File scriptname.ps1
For example, to start the agent, you can run the command:
powershell.exe -File start.ps1
Stop script
After successfully running the stop script, the HCL UnO agent does not always immediately stop. There are two main scenarios to consider:
Jobs still in EXEC status
If the stop script runs successfully but there are still jobs in EXEC status, the agent waits for all of the jobs to finish running before actually stopping. In this situation, as the stop script ran successfully, you cannot run another stop script to forcefully stop the agent from running. If you need the agent to forcefully stop, you need to terminate the agent manually.
Stop delay
The workstation where the agent is running continues to show the LINKED status for five minutes after the successful resolution of a stop script. Jobs and job streams submitted in this five minutes time frame reamain in INTRO status. If another instance of the same agent is started at a later time, all job and job stream instances in INTRO status are run by the new instance of the agent, following their scheduling criteria.
Configure command returns with NullPointerException
In SElinux operating system, the configure command to set up HCL UnO agent returns an error if the JAVA_HOME environment variable is not set.

To resolve this issue, you must edit the file to add the path to the java jdk file as the Environment parameter.