Run Cycle Preview

This view shows graphically the instances generated by the run cycle rules for a job stream or run cycle group, on a full year basis.

The run cycle preview shows the days on which:
  • An inclusive instance is generated.
  • An exclusive instance is generated.
  • Multiple inclusive instances are generated.
  • Multiple exclusive instances are generated.
  • Exclusive and inclusive instances are generated, which exclude all of them.
  • Exclusive and inclusive instances are generated so that some instances are excluded.

To indicate the days where one or more instances are included or excluded by the run cycle rules, colors and symbols are used. By clicking any day, you can view the details about the run cycles occurring.

When you modify a property of the item that affects the generated instance, the preview is automatically updated.

For example, to show the run cycle preview for a job stream:
  1. In the Dynamic Workload Console from the Design menu, select Workload Designer.
  2. Select the engine to connect, then select a job stream (either in edit or view mode).
  3. Click the Run Cycle Preview icon to display the view.
    By default the drop-down menu is set to All, meaning that the combination of all the run cycle rules defined for the job stream are shown as follows:
    • Inclusive instances.
    • Exclusive and inclusive instances which result in excluding all of them.
    • Exclusive and inclusive instances which result in excluding some of them.
    From that drop-down menu, you can select a specific run cycle. In this way, the view is updated with all the instances generated by the rules of that run cycle (inclusive, exclusive, multiple inclusive, multiple exclusive).

    When you view all the combinations, by hovering over the day you are shown the inclusive and exclusive instances. By clicking the day you are shown more detailed information.

    Consider that, based on the rules that you have defined, the time to view the generated instances might increase significantly.