Executable job plug-in

The executable job plug-in is included in the HCL Universal Orchestrator installation and it enables you to create executable jobs in the Workload Designer.

Note: When upgrading HCL Universal Orchestrator from V1.1.0 to V1.1.2 or later, or from V1.1.1 to V1.1.2 or later, you must manually delete the older version of the executable job plug-in.

An executable job runs scripts or commands with advanced options, such as redirecting standard input and standard output to a file.

A description of the job properties and valid values are detailed in the context-sensitive help in the Dynamic Workload Console by clicking the question mark (?) icon in the top-right corner of the properties pane.

This section describes the required and optional attributes for executable jobs. Each job definition has the following format and arguments:
Table 1. Required and optional attributes for the definition of an executable job.
Attribute Description/value Required
application name executable
value Specify the name and value of one or more arguments.
task Tasks can be either commands or scripts.

Use path to run commands, as shown in example one.

Use script to run scripts, as shown in example two. The script is created and ran when the job runs. You can specify the arguments in this tag, or you can type them in the value tag and call them in the script.

suffix Specify the file name extension for the script to be run by the job. This option applies only to jobs that run on Windows operating systems. Do not insert the "." at the begin of the extension name.
The following example shows a job that runs the netstat command to show detailed network status information:

      "executable" : {
        "interactive" : false,
        "path" : "netstat",
        "credential" : { }
The following example shows a job that pings two web sites. The address of the web sites is defined in the value tag and called in the script tag:

      "executable" : {
        "interactive" : false,
        "suffix" : "",
        "script" : "ping %1 ping %2",
        "credential" : {
          "arguments" : {
            "arguments" : [ {
              "value" : "www.mysite.com"
            }, {
              "value" : "www.yoursite.com"
            } ]
The following example shows a job that runs a vbs script on Windows operating systems. The file name extension is defined in the suffix attribute of the script tag:

      "executable" : {
        "interactive" : false,
        "workingDirectory" : "c:\\uno",
        "suffix" : "vbs",
        "script" : "Wscript.Echo \"loremipsum\"",
        "credential" : { }