Release notes V1.1.1

The release notes for HCL Universal Orchestrator contains the following topics:

Known limitations and their workarounds

  • Parsing in streaming
    Adding a job stream definition with a non-existent dependency results in saving the job stream as a draft in the database, without any specified dependencies. This situation can potentially lead to a scenario in which there exists a job stream, let's call it "JSEXAMPLE," dependent on the job stream saved as a draft as a result of this limitation. If "JSEXAMPLE" has a defined run cycle, the job stream instances are automatically created in the plan, and are launched regardless of the dependency on the draft job stream. This can disrupt a critical job stream chain.
    Put all the critical job stream chains in draft before the file in streaming is added.
  • Error while using reserve keywords as an item name
    The following list contains reserved keywords in Orchestration CLI for model commands.
    • showid
    • full
    • lock
    • unlock
    • offline
    • filter
    • noask
    • force
    • preview
    • errorprompt
    • unlockAfterAction
    • noUpdate
    If you use any of these keywords as an item name or part of an item name with any of the model commands, it is not treated as free text; instead, it is identified as a keyword, and an error occurs.
  • The screen help page is only visible if the browser where the Dynamic Workload Consoleruns is set to one of the supported languages.
    The screen help in the Dynamic Workload Console is only visible if the browser where the Dynamic Workload Console is running is set to one of the following supported languages:
    • Chinese (Simplified)
    • Chinese (Traditional)
    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Spanish
  • The Show only selected option in the Orchestration Monitor page does not work on specific actions
    The Show only selected option in the Orchestration Monitor page does not work in the following circumstances:
    • when you select Predecessors from Job streams.
    • When you select Predecessors or run instances from Jobs.
    • When you select Events from Event source.
    • When you select Events from the Job stream table.
  • Launch in context brings you to the wrong page if you are not already logged into the Dynamic Workload Console
    If you are not logged into the Dynamic Workload Console and you launch a URL using the launch in context, the Dynamic Workload Console requests you to enter your credentials and then brings you to the Welcome page instead of the requested one.
    After the log in, launch the URL again.
  • The fence value on workstations needs to be reset when upgrading from HCL Universal Orchestrator v1.1.0 to HCL Universal Orchestrator v1.1.1
    If you are upgrading HCL Universal Orchestrator from version 1.1.0 to version 1.1.1, the fence value on workstation is automatically set to 100.
    Set the fence value on workstations to 0 to let the jobs run as expected.

APARs and defects fixed

Review the list of defects fixed for HCL Universal Orchestrator.
  • Adding multiple dependencies when submitting a job
    Previously, dependencies were not added when you add multiple dependencies separated by a comma. You had to add each dependency separately using the follows keyword. This problem is fixed.

    Now you can add multiple dependencies by separating them with a comma.

  • Incorrect value displayed in the job log for the output condition with variable $stdlist
    Previously, when an output condition with the variable $stdlist was set to false, an incorrect value was displayed as the status in the job log. This problem is fixed.

Contacting HCL support

For technical assistance, contact HCL Software Customer Support.

Before you contact the customer support, collect all the details of the problem that you encountered. You can try to collect the following informations:
  • Logs, traces, and messages related to the problem. For more information, see Logs and Data gather.
  • If possible, provide steps to reproduce the problem.
  • The environment and version in which the problem occurs. For example, if the problem occurred in the cloud, the Kubernetes version.