Orchestration Monitor scenario

About this task

Company X needs to restock its distribution centers in Europe automatically. The company has automated the restocking process using HCL Universal Orchestrator and it can keep an eye on its operations thanks to UnO's monitoring features. In this scenario, an operator monitors the job stream that restocks the German distribution center, called EU-GERSTOCK. The job stream runs daily and it includes the following jobs:
  • UNITCHECK: it checks the number of units present in the distribution center and the distribution center' maximum capacity, calculating the difference.
  • UNITORDER: it orders the number of units calculated by UNITCHECK.
  • UNITCOURIER: it finds the first available courier within a certain cost parameter that is willing to deliver the units to the German distribution center.
  • UNITCONFIRMATION: it saves and archives the delivery note generated by the courier after it collects the units for delivery.

In this scenario, the UNITORDER job does not complete successfully. The operator must take note of the number of units that need to be ordered and manually place an order for them. In addition, the operator must release the predecessor dependency of the UNITORDER job from the UNITCOURIER job to ensure that the UNITCOURIER job can launch automatically.


  1. Access the Monitoring menu
  2. Click on the Saved queries tab and select the EU-GER query
  3. In the results table select the EU-GERSTOCK job stream and click on the Jobs action
  4. In the results table you can see the four jobs that constitute the job stream. The UNITORDER job is in ERROR. Manually order the number of units found by the UNITCHECK job
  5. Select the UNITCOURIER and click on the Dependencies action
  6. The job UNITORDER is the predecessor to the selected UNITCOURIER job. From the UNITORDER tile, Release the dependency


The operator managed to restock its distribution center.