A Self-Service Catalog business scenario

Self-Service Catalog is the right choice to perform business operations even if you or your employees know nothing about engines, jobs and job streams.

This scenario describes how Self-Service Catalog can make your business operations easier and quicker.

Andrew needs to buy a virtual machine to perform a proof of concept on a new project. Jacob, the HCL Universal Orchestrator expert, tells Andrew that virtual machines can be requested using Self-Service Catalog, but the request needs an approval from the director of the business unit.

Andrew is a little worried because has no experience with HCL Universal Orchestrator, but Jacob reassures him about the fact that Self-Service Catalog is really intuitive to use. Jobs and job streams are submitted as services and are created by HCL Universal Orchestrator experts. Self-Service Catalog users only have to submit a specific service. Jacob tells Andrew that he has also created a tag named VM to find the service easily.

To submit the service, Andrew accesses Self-Service Catalog. From the Catalog tags sidebar menu he selects the VM tag, and then clicks on the service named Request for a new virtual machine. A pop-up panel appears requesting Andrew to specify the characteristics of the virtual machine, such as the required size, the operating system, and the CPU dimension. After having selected the required properties, Andrew submits the service.

In My requests tab, Andrew can monitor the status of his request. The creation of the virtual machine needs to be approved by the director of the business unit, so the status of the service is Waiting of approval until the director approves the request on Jira.

When the director of the business unit has approved the request, the creation of the virtual machine can start. When Andrew checks the progression of his request, he sees that the service is In progress.

Few minutes later, the virtual machine is finally ready and the service results Successful in My requests tab. Andrew can now use the new virtual machine and proceed with his proof of concept.

Thanks to Self-Service Catalog, Andrew has obtained the approval for a new virtual machine in just few clicks, without knowing anything about how HCL Universal Orchestrator works.