Install commands to deploy

This topic details install commands that are used to deploy HCL Leap Helm Charts.

Install commands

Important: Modification to any files (chart.yaml, templates, etc) in hcl-leap-deployment-vX.X.X_XXXXXXXX-XXXX.tar.gz is not supported.

To run the installation of your prepared configurations using Helm, use the following command:
# Helm install command 
helm install -n my-namespace -f path/to/your/custom-values.yaml your-release-name path/to/hcl-leap-

  • The my-namespace is the namespace where your HCL Leap deployment is installed to.

  • The -f path/to/your/custom-values.yaml must point to the custom-values.yaml you have created, which contains all deployment configuration.

  • your-release-name is the Helm release name and prefixes all resources created in that installation, such as Pods, Services, and others.

  • path/to/hcl-leap-deployment-vX.X.X_XXXXXXXX-XXXX.tar.gz is the HCL Leap Helm Chart that you have extracted as described earlier in the planning and preparation steps.

After a successful deployment, Helm responds with the following message:
NAME: leap 
    LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Jun 17 14:27:58 2023 
    NAMESPACE: my-namespace 
    STATUS: deployed 
    REVISION: 1 
    TEST SUITE: None 

Default URLs post installation

During the configuration process, you might need the following URLs to access different user interfaces.

Use the following default URLs to access HCL Leap and OpenLiberty Console:

HCL Leap


HCL Leap Rest API


There are a few endpoints that can be helpful for identifying and debugging datasource connections:

View DataSource Configuration


The result is an html page that shows a json output of the configuration that is known by the server.

Validate DataSource Connection


Endpoint attempts to make a database connection, the result is a json output that shows the result. If the connection fails, the output may contain more detail to assist in the troubleshooting.