Configure and deploy Elasticsearch

IntelliService uses Elasticsearch as the database to store all the data. Install and configure a VM and deploy clean IntelliService schema in it.


  • Reach out to IntelliService support team for IntelliService package, and extract the contents of IntelliService package into your local folder.

To configure Elasticsearch in VM, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Linux terminal, and enter the following commands one by one in the VM:
    tar -xzf elasticsearch-7.17.7-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
    cd elasticsearch-7.17.7/
  2. Copy stopword and synonym folders available in Elasticsearch_Files_Schema folder into the config folder of Elasticsearch.
    Note: These folders are available as part of the elasticsearch_files_schema folder in the package file.
  3. Run the following commands in the command prompt from the Elasticsearch bin folder to configure the carrot2 and ingest plug-ins.
    ./elasticsearch-plugin install ingest-attachment
    ./elasticsearch-plugin install org.carrot2:elasticsearch-carrot2:7.17.7
  4. Open config/elasticsearch.yaml of Elasticsearch, and update the values below:
    • localhost
  5. Similarly, open Config/jvm.options file, and update the values below:
    • -Xms6g
    • -Xmx6g
  6. Now, start Elasticsearch from bin folder.
    Note: As a best practice, configure this as a start-up script to avoid unwanted restarting of Elasticsearch, whenever the VM restarts.