Automatic Migration Options

Z and I Emulator for Windows allows you to customize the automatic migration process when updating from previous versions of Z and I Emulator for Windows. All profile references are updated to the current path for profiles that are moved during automatic migration. There are three general levels of migration that are available to you:
  • Level 1 migrates desktop icons only.
    Note: Start menu icons from previous versions of Z and I Emulator for Windows are removed during the installation of Z and I Emulator for Windows Version 2.0. You can use the Start or Configure Sessions icon to start sessions. For more information on starting or configuring a session, refer to Quick Beginnings.
  • Level 2 migrates system-class profiles and desktop icons. System-Class Profile File Extensions describes the system-class profile file extensions and file types.
    Table 1. System-Class Profile File Extensions
    Extension File Type
    .mlg Default Message Log
    .trc Unformatted Trace
    .tlg Formatted Trace
    .cfg FTP Client Configuration
    .pub Client/Host public key
    .dat FTP Client data file
    Note: Level 2 also migrates user-class profiles when migrating profiles to either All Users or the classic Private directory. For a list of user-class profile file extensions, see User-Class Profile File Extensions.
  • Level 3 migrates user-class profiles, system-class profiles, and desktop icons. User-Class Profile File Extensions describes the user-class profile file extensions and types.
    Table 2. User-Class Profile File Extensions
    Extension File Type
    .ws Workstation Profile
    .bch Multiple Sessions
    .ini Session Size and Location
    .pmp Popup-Keypad Configuration
    .kmp Keyboard Configuration
    .srl File Transfer List
    .ndc iSeries Connection Configuration
    .upr iSeries User Profile
    .tto iSeries Data Transfer Request (Receive)
    .tfr iSeries Data Transfer Request (Send)
    .bar Toolbar Setup
    .mac Macro
    .mmp Mouse Setup
    .xlt Translation Table
    .cert Certificate
    .sth Password Stash
    .adu Automatic Dial Utility
    .kdb Certificate Management Database
    .der Binary DER
Based on the information provided in the Application Data Location dialog, a Level 3 migration may not be available. The highest level of migration available, based on your application data location, is the recommended level of migration. A description of how the migration levels function for each data location is provided in the following sections.
Note: If an administrator performs a remote installation, some migration does not occur until users log on to the workstations.