Release Notes for HCL Workload Automation, version 9.5

Release Notes


This document supplies the release notes for HCL Workload Automation, version 9.5.


The Release Notes for HCL Workload Automation, version 9.5 contain the following topics:

To download the appropriate package for your operating system, see HCL License Portal.

For detailed system requirements for all operating systems, see the Detailed System Requirements document availanble at Product Requirements.

To access the HCL Workload Automation documentation, see the Product Documentation.

A complete list of new or changed functions in this release are documented in the Summary of Enhancements. Helpful videos are also available on the Workload Automation YouTube channel.

Interoperability tables


The level of support provided for the products and components listed in the interoperability tables covers all the shown versions.

In the tables in this section the following acronyms are used:
DA HCL Workload Automation dynamic agent
DDM HCL Workload Automation dynamic domain manager or backup dynamic domain manager
DM HCL Workload Automation domain manager
DWC Dynamic Workload Console
FTA HCL Workload Automation fault-tolerant agent
MDM HCL Workload Automation master domain manager or backup master domain manager
ZWS Agent HCL Z Workload Automation Agent

HCL Workload Automation: compatibility






ZWS Agent

MDM 9.5
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4
DM 9.5
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4
FTA 9.5
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4
DA 9.5
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4
DDM 9.5
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4
9.5, 9.4

Dynamic Workload Console: compatibility

DWC 9.5
9.5, 9.4
9.5 FP1
IBM Workload Scheduler V9.5 is fully compatible with Versions 9.5, 9.4 with the exception of the Dynamic Workload Broker UI and CLI capabilities which are not supported by an MDM 9.4 nor an MDM 9.5. These capabilities are supported with both the MDM and DWC at the V9.5 Fix Pack 1 level or later.

Compatibility scenarios and limitations

You are strongly recommended to maintain all IBM Workload Scheduler components at the latest fix pack level as regular maintenance activity. Keeping your environment consistent also ensures you can implement the new features available with 9.5 FP2, such as organizing your scheduling objects in folders.

 Environment with agents at version 9.5 FP2 and master domain managers at version 9.4

If you are using the composer command line of the agent, the following limitation applies:
•    The composer command at version 9.5 FP2 works correctly with master domain managers at version and later, but only for the following scheduling objects: jobs, job streams, run cycle groups. The remaining objects are not managed. If you need to manage these objects, use composer951 to communicate with master domain managers at version and later. Communication with master domain managers at version 9.4 GA or 9.4 FP1 is not supported.

Environment with agents at version 9.5 FP2 and master domain managers at version 9.3

•    The composer command on the agents is not supported and cannot communicate with the master domain manager.

Environment with agents at version 9.3 and 9.4 and master domain managers at version 9.5 FP2

The following considerations apply:
•    Agents at version 9.3 and 9.4 work correctly with master domain managers at version 9.5 FP2. However, if you plan to store your scheduling objects in folders, note that agents at versions earlier than 9.5 FP2 can manage only objects stored in root because folders are not supported. In addition, the composer command should be connected to a backup master domain manager at version 9.5 FP2.

•    After renaming resources or prompts from a master domain manager at version 95 FP2, you cannot reference nor use them on agents at version 9.3 and 9.4.

Mixed environment with agents at versions earlier than 9.5 FP2

•    To use the folders feature, ensure that master domain manager, backup master domain manager, and domain managers are at version 9.5 FP2 level.

Fix packs released for this version of the product

To find the fix packs released for HCL Workload Automation, and the Dynamic Workload Console including links to the related readmes files, see HCL License Portal.

Information you must know before upgrading.


Consider the following information before installing or upgrading to HCL Workload Automation V9.5. Note that only a parallel upgrade is supported starting from version 9.x releases to the version 9.5 release.

Installation limitations and problems, and their workarounds.


The following are limitations and problems that might affect the installation or upgrade of HCL Workload Automation, and their workarounds (when available):

SAP intercepted job XBP 3.0

If you plan to use the job interception collector BC-XBP 3.0 to collect and restart jobs, create the r3batch_icp folder in the TWS_home/methods/ path with the correct access rights.

Supported characters in passwords
The following characters are supported when defining passwords for users of master components and Dynamic Workload Console:

on Windows operating systems: alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore ()?*~+..

on UNIX operating systems: alphanumeric, dash (-), underscore (_) characters, and ()|?=*~+..

National characters support
Due to a limitation in WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base, national characters are not supported when defining installation directory, working directory and data directory. For more information, see Runtime environment known issues and restrictions.

Software limitations and problems, and their workarounds.


The following are software limitations and problems that might affect HCL Workload Automation, and their workarounds (when available):

APAR IJ24378 - The remote command plug-in v9.5 does not work on Windows systems.
On IBM Workload Scheduler v9.5.x, the remote command plug-in does not work on Windows systems. To be able to use it, three workarounds are available:

The Dynamic Workload Broker user interface and command line are not supported for the current release
The listed components, also known as Broker cli and Broker UI, are not supported in version 9.5. To be able to use these components, install version 9.5, Fix Pack 1.
Note: To make Broker cli and Broker UI work, both Dynamic Workload Console and master domain manager should be updated to the version 9.5, Fix Pack 1.

Limitations for the folders feature
Some field names are longer due to folder support
The integrations described in Integrating with other products might be impacted by the new field size for some scheduling objects. The size of the fields listed below has changed from 16 to 817 bytes with the introduction of folder support. Impacted fields are as follows:
  • Folders are not available in cross dependencies and reporting.
    • workstation
    • schedCpu
    • origSchedName
    • schedName
    • jobCPU
    • prompt
    • needs
    Each of these fields in HCL Workload Automation events will be reported into the BmEvents.conf file with a length of 817 bytes. If no folder were specified, the field will be printed as 817 with blank values.
  • APARS Fixed in this release

    Documentation updates


    All updates to the HCL Workload Automation documentation that are required for version 9.5 are included in the Product Documentation.

    © Copyright HCL Technologies Limited 2016, 2019.