HCL Workload Automation for Z Small Programming Enhancements released in December 2023

The following features were provided with HCL Workload Automation for Z small programming enhancements (SPEs) released for Version 10.1, in December 2023 (APAR HC00007).

Integrating with IBM Z JCL Expert
By integrating with IBM Z JCL Expert, you can now stop wasting time searching for and fixing errors. You can check multiple JCLs simultaneously and automate the checking process.
From the Dynamic Workload Console V10.2.1 you can:
  1. Invoke IBM JCL Expert when a job ends in error.
  2. Verify the output of the JCL check in a new panel.
  3. Speed up the debug process.
  4. Automatically validate your JCL coding to ensure compliance with custom rules.

Keep your environment safe with the power of IBM Z JCL Expert! For detailed information, see ../../zos/src_man/eqqr1jclexpert.html.

Creating exits through the User Exits Workbench
The User Exits Workbench tool enables you to create and customize a number of user exits with the IBM z/OS Metal C language, instead of the Assembler language. You can quickly create, edit, compile, and link-edit the user exits from a single ISPF panel, as an alternative to creating them manually. For more details, see ../../zos/src_cust/eqqc1userexitworkbench.html.
Time-dependent operations hold on trackers
For trackers using JES2 for z/OS V3.1, or later: When a time-dependent operation scheduled on a tracker is ready to be run and you have set the JESSYMBOL HOLDUNTL parameter in OPCOPTS, the operation will be sent to the tracker at the time resulting from the IA time minus the seconds set in JESSYMBOL HOLDUNTL. On the tracker, JES2 holds the operation until the time dependency is resolved and optimizes the resources required for execution, then the operation is run.

This applies only to jobs that run on computer automatic workstations, except for virtual and started-task workstations.

Increase default MAXREL size for EQQADDS and EQQLTDS (RFE ZWS-I-40)
In EQQPCS01 sample, the maximum record length (MAXRECL) of EQQADDS and EQQLTDS data sets has been increased from 131072 to 400000.
Restore the CP at the moment just before a human error (RFE ZWS-I-178)
If manual actions were performed on some application occurrences by error but the new current plan still exists and is valid, you can have HCL Workload Automation for Z to take over the new current plan again, until the date and time of the latest valid record. This prevents re-creating the CP including all the archived JT events, even those that could be invalid or inconsistent after the detected errors.

For more details about the procedure to follow, see ../../zos/src_cust/eqqc1RecreatJTarchLogDate.html.

Java runtime now installed automatically
Java runtime is now installed automatically when you install an agent. For this reason, the -addjruntime parameter in the twsinst script is ignored when set to false and Java runtime is always installed by default. For more information, see twsinst.
Improved security for your environment
Custom certificates in p12 format are now used for ensuring SSL communication in your environment. p12 certificates are secure and easy to use. Default certificates are no longer supported. For more information about configuring your environment with custom certificates, see Installing a Dynamic Workload Console server and ../../zos/src_zce2e/eqqlwsslzcertSAF.html.