Syntax diagram for Java job type


If you set JOBTYPE to (/java), you can run an existing Java class:

This section provides detailed information about the syntax diagram for the Java job type. The following syntax rules apply:
  • Use the UNIX format for the value of the JARPATH keyword.


JOBREC CLASSNAME ( java class name ) [ JARPATH ( path name ) ] [ { | JAVAPARMid ( Java parameter name=value ) | ... } ] JOBTYPE ( { /java } )


CLASSNAME(java class name)
The name of the Java class to run. This keyword is required.
JARPATH(path name)
The path to the jar file.
JAVAPARMid(Java parameter name=value)
The Java parameter used by the Java class. You can define multiple parameters in the same job by specifying a series of JAVAPARMid keywords, where id is a unique numeric value, including null and zero. For example, you can define JAVAPARM1, JAVAPARM2, and so on.
Use the following format, which is case sensitive:
JAVAPARMid(Java parameter name=value)
Java parameter name
The name of the Java parameter.
The value associated with the Java parameter.
JOBTYPE(/xajob/access method name|/j2ee/jms|/web service|/file transfer|/database|/java)
To run a Java job, specify /java. For information about the other types of job, see the specific section for each job type.
Set this value to submit a Java job. Ensure that you have list permissions for the folder specified in the jarPath property.


The following is an example of a JOBREC statement to run a class with name mypackage.base: