
This statement includes all the parameters related to the end-to-end scheduling with fault tolerance capabilities and is defined in the member of the EQQPARM library, as specified by the TPLGYPRM parameter in the BATCHOPT and SERVOPTS statements.

TOPOLOGY BINDIR [ CODEPAGE ( { IBM-037 | host system codepage } ) ] [ ENABLEFIPS ( { YES | NO } ) ] [ ENABLELISTSECCHK ( { NO | YES } ) ] [ ENABLESWITCHFT ( { NO | YES } ) ] [ GRANTLOGONASBATCH ( { NO | YES } ) ] [ HOSTNAME ( { local hostname | hostname | IP address } ) ] [ LOCALPSW ( { NO | YES } ) ] [ LOGLINES ( { 100 | number of lines } ) ] [ NOPTIMEDEPENDENCY ( { NO | YES } ) ] [ PLANAUDITLEVEL ( { 0 | 1 } ) ] [ PORTNUMBER ( { 31111 | port } ) ] [ POSTPONE ( { NO | YES } ) ] [ RECOVERYPROMPTBASE ( { 1000 | number of prompts } ) ] [ RECOVERYPROMPTDELTA ( { 1000 | number of additional prompts } ) ] [ SSLLEVEL ( { OFF | ON | ENABLED | FORCE } ) ] [ SSLPORT ( { 31113 | SSL port number } ) ] [ TCPIPJOBNAME ( { TCPIP | TCP/IP started-task } ) ]
[ TIMEZONE ( { UTC | timezone } ) ] [ TPLGYMEM ( { TPLGINFO | member name } ) ] [ TRCDAYS ( { 14 | days } ) ] [ USRMEM ( { USRINFO | member name } ) ] WRKDIR


BINDIR(directory name)
Specifies the base file system directory where binaries, catalogs, and other files are installed and shared among subsystems.

The specified directory must be the same as the directory where the binaries are, without the final bin. For example, if the binaries are installed in /usr/lpp/TWS/V8R2M0/bin and the catalogs are in /usr/lpp/TWS/V8R2M0/catalog/C, the directory must be specified in the BINDIR keyword as follows: /usr/lpp/TWS/V8R2M0.

CODEPAGE(host system codepage|IBM-037)
Specifies the name of the host codepage and applies to the end-to-end scheduling with fault tolerance capabilities. You can provide the IBM® – xxx value, where xxx is the EBCDIC code page. The default value, IBM® – 037, defines the EBCDIC codepage for US English, Portuguese, and Canadian French. This is a list of the EBCDIC code pages to choose from:
IBM® – 939
Japan Extended
IBM® – 937
IBM® – 935
IBM® – 933
IBM® – 975
IBM® – 971
IBM® – 970
Latin 2
IBM® – 838
IBM® – 500
IBM® – 424
IBM® – 297
IBM® – 285
IBM® – 284
Spain - Latin America
IBM® – 280
IBM® – 278
Sweden - Finland
IBM® – 277
Denmark - Norway
IBM® – 274
IBM® – 273
IBM® – 1388
IBM® – 1122
IBM® – 1112
IBM® – 1047
Open Systems
IBM® – 1026
Latin 5 (Turkey)
IBM® – 1025

Make sure that this keyword and the Host Code-page session parameter of the 3270 emulator from which you operate with HCL Workload Automation for Z are set to the same value. This is to avoid problems in the translation of certain characters between HCL Workload Automation for Z and the fault-tolerant workstations. The Host Code-page parameter specifies the table that maps EBCDIC codes from the Host to appropriate ANSI codes on the personal computer.

Indicates whether the SSL communication should comply with FIPS standards. Specify YES to have a FIPS compliant SSL communication. This keyword is ignored if the SSL communication is not enabled.

For more information about FIPS compliance, see Step 22. Activating support for FIPS standard over SSL secured connections.

This is a security option that controls which objects in the plan the user is permitted to list when running a Dynamic Workload Console query or a conman show command. If set to YES, objects in the plan returned from a query or show command are shown to the user only if the user has been granted the list permission in the security file. The default value is NO. Change the value to YES if you want to check for the list permission in the security file.
This option enables the switch fault tolerance feature. With this option a complete fault tolerance is granted when a domain manager is switched. This option prevents events being lost when a switch domain manager command is performed. See the HCL Workload Automation documentation for details about this feature.
This is for jobs running on Windows platforms only. If set to yes, the log on users for Windows jobs are automatically granted the right to log on as batch job. If set to NO, or omitted, the right must be granted manually to each user or group. The right cannot be granted automatically for users running jobs on a backup domain controller, so you must grant those rights manually.
HOSTNAME (hostname|IP address|local hostname)
Specifies the hostname or the IP address used by the server in the end-to-end with fault tolerance capabilities environment. The default is the hostname returned by the operating system.

If you change the value, you also need to restart the end-to-end server and renew the Symphony file.

You can define a virtual IP address for each server of the active controller and the standby controllers. If you use a dynamic virtual IP address in a sysplex environment, when the active controller fails and the standby controller takes over the communication, the distributed agents automatically switch the communication to the server of the standby controller.

To change the HOSTNAME of a server perform the following actions:
  1. Set the nm ipvalidate keyword to none in the localopts file on the primary domain managers.
  2. Change the HOSTNAME value of the server using the TOPOLOGY statement.
  3. Restart the server with the new HOSTNAME value.
  4. Renew the Symphony file.
  5. If the renewal ends successfully, you can set the ipvalidate to full on the first level domain managers.

If this parameter is not specified, then the end-to-end server uses the HOSTNAME as specified in the TCP/IP Data HOSTNAME parameter. In this case the end-to-end server processes all the incoming requests regardless of the IP address used (bind with INADDR_ANY). If this parameter is specified, then HCL Workload Automation uses only the address/alias_name supplied (a specific bind to a single IP address is issued). Incoming requests to other IP addresses are not processed. When more than one IP address is defined to the system where the end-to-end server is active, be aware that: if HOSTNAME is specified and this connection fails, access to the server will require that the server be reconfigured to an alternative IP address before a connection with the domain manager can be established.

Note: If the HOSTNAME value represents a DVIPA address, then make sure that the user of the end-to-end server has UPDATE authorization to the EZB.BINDDVIPARANGE resource. Failure to do this might cause problems, such as the failure to re-link the agents after a Symphony Renew, CP replan or CP extend.
Set this parameter to YES if the user ID and password, required to run a job on a Windows workstation, must be searched from a local file on the workstation, when missing from the Symphony file. That is the case when you do not specify the USRREC statement, so that the planning process does not include the user‘s credentials the Symphony file. If you set LOCALPSW to YES, you do not need to define the USRREC statements for the users defined locally. Ensure that the Windows workstation supports the local search. The default is NO.
LOGLINES(number of lines|100)
Specifies the maximum number of lines that the job log retriever returns for a single job log. The default value is 100. In all cases, the job log retriever does not return more than half the number of records existing in the input queue. When the job log retriever does not return all the job log lines, in the retrieved job log output you can read the following line that specifies the number (nn) of job log lines not displayed between the first lines and the last line of the job log, that is:
*** nn lines have been discarded. Final part of Joblog ...  *********** 
Acts on NOPed operations defined to run on fault-tolerant workstations or standard agents and applies to both centralized and non-centralized scripts.

Set this option to YES and the operations complete only after their time dependency has expired.

Set this option to NO and the operations complete as soon as all their predecessors have completed, even if their time dependency has not expired. This is the default setting.

Enables or disables plan auditing for distributed agents. Valid values are 0 to disable plan auditing, and 1 to activate plan auditing. Auditing information is logged to a flat file in the TWA_home/TWS/audit/plan directory. Each HCL Workload Automation workstation maintains its own log. Only actions are logged in the auditing file, not the success or failure of any action.

If you change the value, you also need to restart the end-to-end server and renew the Symphony file.

Defines the TCP/IP port number used by the server to communicate with the distributed agents. This value must be different from that specified in the SERVOPTS member. The default value is 31111. The accepted values are from 0 to 65535.

If you change the value, you also need to restart the end-to-end server and renew the Symphony file.

Defines the time and mode for stopping the end-to-end with fault tolerance capabilities network upon the issue of a re-plan, Symphony renew, or current plan extension command. Stopping the network is necessary to allow for the generation and distribution of a new Symphony file. This keyword provides a choice for gradually stopping the end-to-end distributed agents after the Symphony plan is generated, as opposed to stopping the entire end-to-end with fault tolerance capabilities network simultaneously when generation begins. Stopping the network progressively reduces the outage imposed on the distributed agents to the time strictly necessary to receive the new Symphony. This is recommended with large numbers of distributed agents and where fault-tolerance is largely used.
Progressive stop is not useful if the following are widely used:
  • Centralized jobs
  • Special resources and jobs depending on z/OS® jobs
because none of the jobs that depend on these objects can start until the link with the end-to-end server is reactivated.
Values can be:
The end-to-end with fault tolerance capabilities network is stopped after the symnew file is created. The server stops only the primary domain manager using the stop progressive command and sends the new Symphony file to it. The stop progressive command stops scheduler production processes hierarchically: each domain manager stops the agents in its domain and stops itself while stop progressive continues to run on subordinate domains. Every agent is restarted as soon as it is issued its copy of the Symphony file.
To function, the YES value requires that
The entire end-to-end with fault tolerance capabilities network is stopped when the synchronization between the server and the controller is started. In this case, a normal stop command is sent concurrently to all the distributed agents. This suspends batch scheduling on all distributed agents until the Symphony file generation completes. Every agent is restarted as soon as it is issued its copy of the Symphony file.

This is the default.

RECOVERYPROMPTBASE(number of prompts|1000)
Specifies the maximum number of prompts that can be displayed to the operator after a job abends. The default value is 1000.
RECOVERYPROMPTDELTA(number of prompts|1000)
Specifies an additional number of prompts with respect to the value defined in RECOVERYPROMPTBASE to use when a job is rerun after abending and the limit specified in RECOVERYPROMPTBASE has been reached. The default value is 1000.
Defines the type of SSL authentication for the workstation. It must have one of the following values:
The server uses SSL authentication only if another workstation requires it.
The server does not support SSL authentication for its connections. It is the default value.
The server uses SSL authentication only if another workstation requires it.
The server uses SSL authentication for all of its connections. It refuses any incoming connection if it is not SSL.

If you change the value, you also need to restart the end-to-end server and renew the Symphony file.

SSLPORT(SSL port number|31113)
Defines the port used to listen for incoming SSL connections on the server. It substitutes the value of nm SSL port in the localopts file, activating SSL support on the server. If SSLLEVEL is specified and SSLPORT is missing, 31113 is used as the default value. If not even SSLLEVEL is specified, the default value of this parameter is 0 on the server, which indicates that no SSL authentication is required.

If you change the value, you also need to restart the end-to-end server and renew the Symphony file.

TCPIPJOBNAME (TCP/IP started-task name|TCPIP)
Specifies the TCP/IP started-task name used by the server. Set this keyword when you have multiple TCP/IP stacks or a TCP/IP started task with a name different from TCPIP. You can specify a name, from 1 to 8 alphanumeric or national characters, where the first character is alphabetic or national.
TIMEZONE (timezone|UTC)
Defines the local time zone in the z/OS® system where the controller runs, for example TIMEZONE('Europe/Rome'). This value must match the GMT offset specified in the CLOCKxx parmlib member, for example E.01.00.00 for Rome Standard Time, E.02.00.00 for Rome Daylight Saving Time.

If you do not specify this parameter, or the specified value is incorrect, the scheduler uses the UTC value as default.

Specifies the PARMLIB member where the domain (DOMREC) and CPU (CPUREC) definitions specific to the end-to-end with fault tolerance capabilities environment are. The default value is TPLGINFO.

If you change the value, you also need to restart the end-to-end server and renew the Symphony file.

TRCDAYS (days|14)
Specifies the number of days the trace files and stdlist directory are kept before being deleted. Every day the USS code creates the new stdlist directory to contain the logs for the day; all log directories older than the number of days specified in TRCDAYS() are automatically deleted. The default value is 14. Specify 0 if you do not want the trace files to be deleted.
USRMEM(member name|USRINFO)
Specifies the PARMLIB member where the user definitions are. This keyword is optional (for example, you can omit it if you are working with UNIX CPUs). The default value is USRINFO.

If you change the value, you also need to restart the end-to-end server and renew the Symphony file.

WRKDIR(directory name)
Specifies the location of the files of a subsystem.

Each HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem using the end-to-end scheduling with fault tolerance capabilities must have its own WRKDIR.