
The ROUTOPTS statement defines routing options to a primary, backup, or standby controller. ROUTOPTS defines how a destination is reached.

A destination is used to represent:
  • A tracker system connected to the primary or standby controller through shared DASD, SNA (VTAM®), XCF, or TCP/IP.
  • A tracker that is connected to a backup controller through TCP/IP. In this case, the only connections supported between the tracker and the primary controller are XCF and TCP/IP.
  • A user-defined environment where communication is handled using the operation-initiation exit, EQQUX009.
  • Remote engines, HCL Workload Automation Agents, and dynamic domain managers. In this case you use HTTP or HTTPS destination.
  • HCL Workload Automation Agents that are connected to the controller through a proxy server. In this case you use the PROXY destination, along with the HTTP or HTTPS destination.

You can specify more than one ROUTOPTS statement to define routing options, but each destination must be unique. Do not specify the same name in DASD, USER, SNA, XCF, TCP/IP, or HTTP parameters. If a destination is repeated on a following ROUTOPTS statement, the last definition is used. You can specify a combined total of 1000 destinations, but you cannot specify more than 16 destinations for the DASD keyword.

ROUTOPTS is defined in the member of the EQQPARM library as specified by the PARM parameter on the JCL EXEC statement.

You can include as many destinations as you want within the parentheses. They must be separated by commas.


ROUTOPTS { DASD ( destination ) | HTTP|HTTPS ( destination ) | PROXY ( destination ) | SNA ( destination ) | TCPIP ( destination ) | USER ( destination ) | XCF ( destination ) } [ PULSE( { 10 | pulse frequency } ) ]


This keyword identifies DASD connections. Each destination name is a submit/release ddname in the controller JCL procedure.
Defines the network addresses for HTTP-connected agent workstations, typically remote engines, HCL Workload Automation Agents, or dynamic domain managers. Use HTTPS to define the HTTP connections as SSL-secure connections.
The syntax of each destination is as follows:
dest name:'IP address or hostname'/port[/type][/pulseivl][/proxy name]
dest name
The name assigned to the destination, up to 8 alphanumerical characters.
IP address or hostname
The fully qualified host name or IP address used to communicate with the agent workstations. It can be up to 52 alphanumeric characters.
The port number used to communicate with the agent workstations.
The HTTP destination type is required only if the destination is used to define a remote engine workstation or a dynamic domain manager. It can be one of the following:
for a distributed remote engine
for a Z® remote engine
for a dynamic domain manager
The frequency in minutes that the controller checks the status of the specific z-centric agent or dynamic domain manager.
The value can range from 0 to 1440 minutes and overrides any value specified globally by the PULSEIVL keyword of the HTTPOPTS statement. The value 0 means that the heartbeat checking:
  • Is not run for z-centric agents.
  • Is run for dynamic domain managers according to the policy established by the Z controller.
Remember: For z-centric agents the type is blank, so you must write two consecutive slash (/) characters before the pulseivl value.
proxy name
Valid for z-centric agents only. The destination that is defined in the PROXY(destination,...,destination) parameter.

You can modify, add, or delete an HTTP or HTTPS destination while HCL Workload Automation for Z is running.

Defines the destinations of the proxies through which the z-centric agents are connected to the controller.
The syntax of each destination is as follows:
proxy name:'IP address or hostname'/port
proxy name
The name assigned to the destination, up to 8 alphanumerical characters. This value must be also specified in the HTTP|HTTPS(destination,...,destination) parameter.
IP address or hostname
The fully qualified host name or IP address used to communicate with the proxy server. It can be up to 52 alphanumeric characters.
The port number used to communicate with the proxy server.
PULSE(pulse frequency|10)
This keyword defines the duration between handshakes (ID events) initiated by trackers. The ID event describes the system environment and options used by the tracker. If the controller does not receive an ID event from the destination for two consecutive pulse intervals, the destination is forced offline by the controller.

Specify a number of minutes from 1 to 60, or specify 0 if handshaking is not required. The default is 10 minutes.

PULSE works only with OPC/ESA Release 3 or higher trackers and comes into effect when the controller and the tracker have synchronized at startup. A tracker must have a non-blank destination ID unless the tracker and controller are started in the same address space.

PULSE lets you use workload restart and reroute for DASD-connected trackers and for other connection types in cases where the connection is available but the event writer at the destination is not active. The handshaking process is not performed for user-defined destinations.

Note: The OFFDELAY keyword of JTOPTS is considered after a workstation is varied offline and before offline actions are initiated. In the case of XCF-connected trackers, timing issues might cause conflicts between the pulse parameter and the workstation offline reroute actions.
This keyword identifies all SNA connections. Each destination is the VTAM® LU name of a tracker system. If the SNA keyword is specified in ROUTOPTS, the NCFAPPL must also be specified in the OPCOPTS keyword or the controller issues an error message and ends initialization.
Note: There is no automatic cross-checking between VTAM® cross-domain resource definitions and the LU names specified in the SNA keyword. You must ensure the LUs can communicate across VTAM® domains, if required.
Defines the network addresses for TCP/IP-connected trackers that can communicate with the controller for job-tracking purposes. Each destination consists of a destination name, a host name or IP address, and optionally a port number.

Defining this parameter requires the definition of an OMVS segment for the controller user ID.

The following rules apply to the destination sub-values:
  • The destination name can be up to 8 alphanumeric characters. In association with the host name or IP address, it is used to route the submitted work. This sub-value is required.
  • The host name or IP address can be up to 52 alphanumeric characters. It can contain a host name or IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format. Enclose this value in single quotation marks. This sub-value is required.
  • The port number can be up to 5 numeric characters. Valid values are from 0 to 65535. This sub-value is optional. The default is 0, meaning that any port number is accepted.
  • The destination names and the host name or IP address must be separate by a colon.
  • The required values and the port number must be separated by a slash.

On the primary and backup controller, the destination name set for ROUTOPTS XCF and ROUTOPTS TCPIP respectively, must be the same.

This keyword identifies user-defined destinations. Each destination name is an alphanumeric name consisting of 1-8 characters, where the first character is alphabetic. The communication protocol and session control handling is defined in the operation-initiation exit, EQQUX009. The exit is located in the HCL Workload Automation for Z controller. It is called when operations are ready to be started at a workstation that specifies a destination defined in the USER keyword.

This keyword also defines the destination names specified on the automation workstation to identify the target NetView® domain ID where the System Automation commands are to be run.

This keyword identifies all XCF destinations. Each destination is the XCF member name of a tracker. The XCF members that you list must be part of the same XCF group as the controller. If the XCF keyword is present in ROUTOPTS, the XCFOPTS statement must also be present. If no XCFOPTS statement is found, the controller issues an error message and ends initialization.

If a destination listed in the XCF keyword is not an active member of the same XCF group as the controller, no work is transmitted to this destination.

On the primary and backup controller, the destination name set for ROUTOPTS XCF and ROUTOPTS TCPIP respectively, must be the same.

 ROUTOPTS XCF(SYS1,SYS2)                              ❶ 
  SNA(SYSA)                                                           ❷
  TCPIP(DEST1:''/4444)                                   ❸
  DASD(SYSB)                                                          ❹
  USER(USRGRP1)                                                       ❺
  HTTP(ZCENT1:''/44112, ZCENT2:''/61424//5) ❻
  HTTPS(REMZ1:''/44113/Z)                                ❼
In this example of a ROUTOPTS statement, the controller is connected to four trackers running on z/OS:
SYS1 and SYS2 are connected through XCF communication links and are defined in the XCF keyword.
Communication with SYSA is through a VTAM® link defined in the SNA keyword.
DEST1 identifies a TCP/IP link with a tracker and the details of it are defined in the TCPIP keyword.
The controller sends work to a tracker using a submit/release data set. The ddname of the submit/release data set in the JCL procedure of the controller is SYSB, as specified in the DASD keyword.
The controller calls the operation-initiation exit, EQQUX009, when operations are ready to be started on workstations that specify the USRGRP1 destination.
ZCENT1 and ZCENT2 specify the links to two HCL Workload Automation Agent workstations. ZCENT1 and ZCENT2 are also to be specified as the destination names in the workstation definitions of the HCL Workload Automation Agents.

The status of ZCENT2 is checked every 5 minutes by the controller.

REMZ1 specifies the link to a Z remote engine workstation. REMZ1 is also to be specified as the destination name in the definition of the remote engine workstation.