Controlling the scan of event records

About this task

You can control whether all event records are scanned or to restrict the number of records that are scanned.


  1. Click View > Options and then click General.
  2. In History Scan, do either of the following:
    • Click Stop after reading this number of events and specify the number of event records that you want to be displayed. This option is useful if there is a large number of event records.

      On Windows systems, the number that you specify is displayed in the File > Next N Events command that continues the scan.

    • Click Continue scanning events until the last event has been read to display all event records at once. This option is useful if there is a relatively small number of event records.

      If there is a large number of event records remaining, you can use the following commands to pause and restart the scan:

      • On Linux and the UNIX system, click the Stop Loading Events icon and the More Events icon.
      • On Windows systems, click the Stop/Resume icon.
  3. Click OK.