Creating project views

The MAJ team works on a branch named major and uses this config spec:
element * CHECKEDOUT
element * .../major/LATEST
element * R1.0 –mkbranch major
element * /main/LATEST –mkbranch major
The MIN team works on the main branch and uses the default config spec:
element * CHECKEDOUT
element * .../main/LATEST
The FIX team works on a branch named r1_fix and uses this config spec:
element * CHECKEDOUT
element * .../r1_fix/LATEST
element * R1.0 –mkbranch r1_fix
element * /main/LATEST –mkbranch r1_fix

For the MAJ and FIX teams, use of the auto-make-branch facility in Rule 3 and Rule 4 enforces consistent use of subbranches. It also relieves developers of the task of creating branches explicitly and ensures that all branches are created at the version labeled R1.0.