Step 6: Create the IBM Cognos data sources for the application databases

The IBM® Cognos® applications need their own data sources that identify the source of the data for HCL Marketing Software application reports.

About this task

The IBM Cognos data models that are provided in the HCL Marketing Software reports packages are configured to use the data source names that are given in the following table:

Table 1. Cognos data sources
HCL Marketing Software application Cognos data source names
Campaign CampaignDS
eMessage eMessageTrackDS
  • For the design time database: InteractDTDS
  • For the runtime database: InteractRTDS
  • For the learning database: InteractLearningDS
  • For the ETL database: InteractETLDS
Marketing Operations MarketingOperationsDS
Distributed Marketing
  • For the Distributed Marketing database: CollaborateDS
  • For the customer database: CustomerDS
  • For the Campaign database: CampaignDS

For more information about configuring Cognos data sources, see IBM Cognos Administration and Security Guide and the Cognos online help.

Use the following guidelines to create Cognos data sources for the IBM application databases.
