Campaign, cell, and offer attributes

Only attribute types that exist in both IBM® Marketing Operations and IBM Campaign are available for campaign and cell attributes.

For systems that also integrate offers, the same constraint applies to offer attributes with the following exception: when published to Campaign, the attribute type for the Creative URL offer attribute changes to Text Field - String.

Table 1. Attribute types for campaign, cell, and offer attributes in Marketing Operations
Attribute type Campaign attributes Cell attributes Offer attributes
Text - Single-Line X X X
Text - Multi-Line X X X
Single-Select X   X
Single-Select - Database X   X
Multiple-Select - Database      
Yes or No X X  
Date Select X X X
Integer X X  
Decimal X X X
Money X X X
External Data source      
Calculated X X X
URL Field      
Single Select Object Reference      
Multi-Select Object Reference      
Creative URL     X
Note: For attributes that have the Single-Select - Database attribute type, IBM Marketing Operations passes the lookup value (not the display value) of the selection to IBM Campaign. You determine the lookup value and the display value when you create the lookup table.

There is no attribute type in Marketing Operations that corresponds to the "Modifiable drop-down list" that is available for custom attributes in stand-alone IBM Campaign.