Approval Summary

This section of the New or Edit Approval Process form contains some summary information for the approval.

The name of the approval contains a round number, if the approval round is greater than 1. For example, assume that an approval titled Handout: Final Approval that has been resubmitted one time. On its summary page, the title is Handout: Final Approval (Round #2).

The Approval summary page contains the following fields.

Table 1. Approval summary page
Field Description
Sent By Displays a list of the owners of the approval.

By default, this field is auto-populated with the user name of the person creating the approval.

Note: While the system allows an owner to also be an approver, this selection is not typical; we recommend specifying people as either owners or approvers, but not both.
Add/Remove Owner(s) Click to add or remove owners for the approval process.

The Select Member Access Levels dialog box appears. Browse to a user in the one of the folders and use the arrows to add the user to the Selected Team Members list and click Save Changes.

Security Policy Select the security policy you want to apply to the approval. If this approval is already part of a project (or being linked to a workflow task), HCL® Marketing Operations defaults to the security policy for the project and you do not have to change it.

If creating a stand-alone approval, this setting defaults to the security policy in your preferences (in the Administration > Basic Settings screen). If you do not know which security policy to select, contact your administrator.

Enable Mark up When viewing the Summary tab, use this link to toggle the setting to either enabled or disabled. After you enable this option, the item can be marked up using HCL Marketing Operations mark up functionality. This option is available only for file types for which markup is supported.