Items to approve

This section contains a list of actual items to be reviewed, and controls to add and configure approval items.

Table 1. Items to review for an approval
Field Description
Item Thumbnail Displays a thumbnail image of the item, if one was added when adding the item. If the item is a PDF, the image is the one your system uses to represent PDFs.
Item Description Text box displays the comments for the item.
File Update

Asset Update

URL Update

When editing an approval, use these links to update items with a new version.
  • Use File Update to upload an item stored on your computer or network.
  • Use Asset Update to upload an item from an asset library.
  • Use URL Update to change a URL pointing to a website.

When you use one of these links, you attach a new version of the item; users can then access the older version and the newer version of the item in the approval.

Note: There is no limitation placed on what kind item you select when you update. That is, the system does not object if you update a brochure with a logo image. However, if you are updating an item with something that is different from the original item, it is best practice to add it as a separate item rather than updating the original item.
Remove When editing an approval, use this link to delete an item. It will no longer be available for review.
Add Item(s) to approve Attach documents or URLs for approvers to review by clicking this link.

The Add Item(s) to Approve page appears.

  • In the Add Item to Approve field, select one of the following options: From My Computer, From the Asset Library, URL, or Marketing Object.
  • Do one of the following.
    • Browse to the file you want to attach and click Open.
    • Click Browse Library to attach a file in an asset library. Click the library that contains the file you want to add and use the tree in the left panel of the screen to navigate to the folder and then the asset that you want to attach. Click Accept Asset when viewing the asset in the right panel.
    • Enter the URL in the field provided.
    • Click Browse to search for a marketing object. When the dialog box appears, search and select a marketing object. Click Accept and Close to close the dialog or Accept to temporarily accept the marketing object and search for more.
  • Add any comments in the Comments field. Click Add More to display an additional set of fields for each additional attachment you want to add.
  • Click Save Changes when you have added all your attachments.

Note the following.

  • To add an item from your computer or network, choose Add Item(s) to Approve.
  • If HCL® Marketing Operations is configured to use Adobe™ Acrobat markup, and if you want the approvers to be able to electronically add comments to a document, then the document must be a PDF. If you attach any other file format, approvers cannot use the markup capability. You can use Adobe Distiller to convert a document to a PDF.