
You can check to see if your Runtime REST API is licensing by executing this request through Swagger.

  1. In your browser, navigate to this location: https://<RUNTIME_REST_API_IP>:<PORT>/hip-rest/api-docs?url=openapi.json#/V2_Map_and_Flow_Deployment_API/listPackages
  2. Click on the 'unlocked /lock icon in the upper right corner of the page to specify a username and password for your request. Use the credentials that work for Link. Click Authorize then Close. The lock icon will show locked.
  3. Click on Try it out.
  4. Click on Execute.
  5. Check the Response Code:
    • 200=Valid license

    • 401 = with Response Body “This Link instance is not licensed to execute the REST requests.”

      Invalid license. Check <Link_Install>/tomcat-context/apps/ Check entitlements through the Platform.

    • 401 with empty Response Body.- Invalid credentials. Repeat step